eHealth Lab Logo

eHealth Lab

eHealth lab is under the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Informatics. The main objective of the lab is to perform research in the field of electronic health including medical image analysis, eHealth systems and services, intelligent medical decision support. More specifically the main research interests and activities of the team are in…

Stremble Logo

Stremble Ventures

Stremble Ventures is based in Cyprus at the forefront of Medical research. We are a research and development-orientated company that offer a range of advanced analytics, bioinformatics, and software engineering expertise for clinical trials and medical research. Our team is comprised of computer scientists, clinicians, bioinformaticians, statisticians and molecular biologists which use advanced analytics, bioinformatics,…


Cyprus Ambulance Service

Cyprus Ambulance Service covers a population of over 1.200 million people and operates over an area of approximately 5896 square miles with 70 ambulances (all with GPS system and Advanced Life Support Equipment) 26 ambulance stations in different locations and two Search and Rescue Units (Larnaca and Paphos Airport). Our services are based across different…

Eratosthenes Center of Excellence Logo

Eratosthenes CoE

A new, autonomous, and self-sustained Centre of Excellence, namely ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) has been established through the ‘EXCELSIOR’, H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 project. The newly established centre has been created as a result of upgrading the existing Remote Sensing and Geo-Environment Lab, which has been operating…